The Game Change Project

Bringing Learning to Life

 “Learning by doing”

We create opportunities for young people to learn outside the classroom. We recognise that not all children thrive in a classroom environment and many people learn more effectively through experience. We also know that being active outdoors greatly improves wellbeing and enhances mood.

There are also some other surprising benefits:

  • Tackles social mobility, giving children new and exciting experiences that inspire them to reach their true potential. These real world experiences raise aspirations, equipping young people with the skills they need to become active and responsible citizens and shape a fit and motivated workforce.
  • Addresses educational inequality, re-motivating children who do not thrive in the traditional classroom environment, such as those from disadvantaged backgrounds or with Special Educational Needs. Young people who experience learning outside the classroom as a regular part of their school life benefit from increased self esteem, and become more engaged in their education both inside and outside the classroom walls.
  • Supports improved standards back INSIDE the classroom, raising attainment, reducing truancy and improving discipline. Learning outside the classroom is known to contribute significantly to raising standards & improving pupils’ personal, social & emotional development.

Young people can access our programmes through schools or by contacting us directly. Please get in touch for more information.

Being involved in the project has taught me many things. I feel it has made a big difference


The Game Change Project
The Game Change Project